Leadership Development and
People Management Training

Leadership Development and People Management Training

We coach and train leaders and managers by helping them to understand themselves. In turn, they can improve their teams and engage with their people to get the most out of them. So, in order to do this, your leaders must ultimately understand how to lead effectively. Also, they must appreciate how to effectively implement your HR policies and procedures.

Click here to find out what we cover in the Leadership Development Programme

people management training

The Leadership Development and People Management Training Programme

What is it?

In short, it’s a coaching programme to improve the capability and behaviours of leaders to get the most out of their team.

Learning from us gives the managers you employ the tools they need to help the business grow.

Why is it important?

You’ll get the best out of individuals working for you if your managers have the skills and confidence to engage effectively.

We help them to understand their own approach before demonstrating how to apply the knowledge acquired in a leadership setting.

Strong and effective leadership is integral to both individual growth and the success of your company.

Who benefits?

Many of our clients ask us to enhance the skills of both first and second-line managers. However, a common theme through everything we do is developing people to deliver results. Whether that’s on the frontline or at the executive level in the boardroom.

How People Matters HR can help

Our ‘Exceptional’ business package includes monthly training for existing and new leaders, and those with responsibility for managing staff, at no extra cost.

A series of bespoke sessions, delivered by managing director Niel Cope, on all major HR-related topics have been designed for employees that have previously had no formal instruction.

We are here to satisfy your needs, and you can also commission us to deliver guidance on a specific issue.

Click here to find out what your team will learn in the workshop

Want to know more?

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss or want further details on any of our HR packages.

people management training quote

Niel and the team at People Matters HR are a pleasure to work with. In the short time we have been working People Matters HR the team have assisted us with two acquisitions and the associated TUPE transfers. They developed a full suite of policies, created updated employment contracts, job descriptions an induction and appraisal process.

People Matters HR are also assisting us with our leadership and people management training, which will give all managers additional skills in which to lead, manage and delegate.

BreatheHR is a very efficient and easy to use tool, which helps us manage people and resources, as well as assisting in our environmental awareness programme by being paper free!

Bonnie H

people management training quote

Niel and the team at People Matters HR are a pleasure to work with. In the short time that we have been working with People Matters HR, the team helps us with two acquisitions and the associated TUPE transfers. They developed a full suite of policies, created updated employment contracts, job descriptions an induction and appraisal process.

People Matters HR are also assisting us with our leadership and people management training, which will give all managers additional skills in which to lead, manage and delegate.

BreatheHR is a very efficient and easy to use tool, which helps us manage people and resources. As well as assisting in our environmental awareness programme by being paper-free!

Bonnie H